Saturday 18 July 2009

When beauty turns creepy...

Cute can be so close to terror... the naive, ingenue and natural have an immense potential of becoming the scariest thing on earth. We all know about terrifying clowns, blond blue eyed children of the corn, fluffy animals that turn into beasts... houses made out of sweets that holds dark and frightening secrets... or even the latest Lars von Trier movie "Anti- Christ" where the scariest scenes, to me, were the ones where there was nothing happening, just shots of nature and a strange expectancy of something very wrong that is about to happen...well...
Here I am in this very cute house, surrounded by nothing and everything seems so "cozy", so natural and enjoyable... until the lights, all fo a sudden went off, the water, for some strange reason stopped running, there were heavy clouds in the sky, sounds of thunder and it is almost midnight... then, all the sweetness and the already above mentioned scenario turns around with the speed of a lightening and we are all fearing for dear life!!! I am not even joking! I actually had images of "The dawn of the Dead", or "The attack of the Zombies" pestering my mind while I tried to step outside the house to look at the dark sky, why did I have to watch so many horror movies in the eighties? All of a sudden this peaceful fishing village took the form of a Zombie colony and us, the perfect victims from the big city, were going to be devoured!!! Of course I did not mention "my plot" to the others, I suffered a quiet and silent, almost, state of panic while they messed around with their own imagination, trying to look perfectly in control. Christian then suggested: Shall we get the car and drive around the Island to see if it is all over? It sounded like a good idea to me for the car felt a bit like the most secure place since we could drive over the zombies!!! It was pitch black outside, i kinda ran into the car and as we drove through a very narrow path of bushes and trees I could not contain my inner images anymore and spoke out: imagine if a zombie smashed his face against the wind shill right now? Christian's daughter screamed in horror as if by just mentioning it I made it happen. Christian laughed nervously while turning on the radio to try to catch some important information (an atomic bomb being dropped or something like this). The antenna had to be lifted up... yeah right... who was going to step out of the car, surrounded by hungry zombies hiding behind the bushes? I opened my window and stretched my arm as far as possible but it was simply not enough! And now the news felt like the only thing that could save our lives, the contact with civilization itself! Christian stepped out of the car, faster than a bullet, fixed the antenna and came back just in time before a faceless zombie took a bite of his leg. Me and Siri screamed in a mix of joy and panic and by now the Zombie plot was the official story within our minds... we drove for 30 minutes without meeting anybody, all dark , until we bumped into a family, a father, a mother and 3 kids, walking with their faces down, in a line, they were all very blond and just added to the picture of the horror movie we were living out. We drove fast... soon we reached the local village and there were dozens of teenagers wondering around the dark streets, all was very quiet, they were probably coming back from an abruptly interrupted party... we heard sounds, there was a pickup truck with loud music playing, a hot dog stand and some more teenagers enjoying the sudden darkness... by now the panic had diminished, we were mingling around real people that only looked half alive because of the booze... thank God it was all very dark cause the three of us were wearing nothing but nightgowns adorned by rain boots!!! We came back home, lit some candles and drank delicious hot chocolate before dropping dead... of sleep...


Ruth Mezeck said...

Oi Marcelo, que bom, saber noticias tuas. Sabado, eu te vi numa foto de um peça autoral que dirigiste em Pernambuco numa exposição de fotos da cena pernambucana no Tetro Glauce Rocha, "As desventuras de Martha" não é bem esse...a peça é de 2002 mou 2002 ou 2003. São sete modulos da exposição entre classicos, comedias, religiosos,etc... e o teu mócdulo é dos "inquietos" ou revolucionarios, não lembro direito, mas era essa a tua categoria tipo os vanguardas... gostei da foto são 2 atores um vestido de menina adolescente evc de óculos e todo de preto, com uma espingarda ou revolver na mão tipo um gangster... hehehehehhe
Parabens pelo blog. Saudades do Marcelo!!!

Marcello said...

Ruth querida, o espetáculo era "Os Pesadelos de Martha Stewart", nao estou bem certo do ano... que bom que voce tenha visto a exposição... ficou legal? Saudades da Princesa Léa, hahaha... Beijo enrome!!!

Ruth Mezeck said...

A exposição é bem legal ocupa todo o térreo (hall) do Glauce Rocha e vai ficar lá ainda um tempo. Teve uma mmostra de teatro pernambucano, daí a exposição. E fez tanto sucesso que estenderam a temporada. Amei te ver´.
Princêsa Léa está a mil em b8sca da sua expressão artística. Dessa vez a clownesse Sassah vai pra rua...

Marcello said...

Oh, voce sabia que dirigi 3 clowns (atrizes maravilhosas) Finlandesas? O show, peça, ficou um barato... estamos tentando levar para o Recife, para um Festival de Circo que vai ter... nossa, imagino sua Sassah... deve ser cativante... beijos...