Wednesday 17 April 2013

O Verão é o Carnaval da Escandinávia!

Aprendi a gostar de todas as estações e todos os climas e cores que as acompanham! Para pessoas que como eu se aborrecem muito facilmente, morar num País onde a paisagem muda constantemente e radicalmente a cada dia, é uma benção!

O Verão está para a  Escandinávia assim como o Carnaval está para o Brasil. Esperamos ansiosos por estes dias onde as roupas encolhem, em quantidade e tamanho, e as pessoas literalmente dançam em pontes e praças. As danças são improvisadas: alguém trás uma bicicleta com uma mesa de DJ acoplada, toca o PLAY e as pessoas vão se chegando.

No Brasil, Recife ou Rio, passei muito tempo me "protegendo" do Sol: um braço que procurava se esquivar dos raios fortes que penetravam pela janela do carro, um pescoço que se espichava para que o rosto entrasse em alguma zona de sombras, uma bermuda sendo puxada para tentar encobrir joelhos prestes a serem tostados... e assim vai.

Anos de Dinamarca me reaproximaram do Sol!  Acordo agora e olho para o céu e se por acaso o SOL estiver lá, abro um sorriso e planejo onde vou me sentar com meu computador, livro, pesquisando, planejando, trabalhando ao ar livre, bebendo a luz! Levei algum tempo regado a uma certa irritacão com a "obrigação" de se sair de casa caso o Sol estivesse brilhando. Você é um herege, doente e esquisito se preferir ficar dentro de casa ou ir a um cinema ou simplesmente atravessar a rua para o lado com sombras se o SOL estiver brilhando! Eu via isso tudo como uma certa Tirania Solar e decidia ficar em casa apenas como uma forma de me rebelar contra a obrigacão de sair de casa!

Hoje em dia, quanta diferença. Me tornei um "deles" e fico ansioso a cada momento que não estou lá fora aproveitando o que pode ser tão fugaz!

As pessoas aqui se telefonam para comentar sobre o "Dia Lindo" (hoje mesmo já liguei para umas 3)! As mesas do lado de fora de qualquer ambiente ficam lotadas, pessoas se deitam no chão de pedras, uma certa histeria coletiva toma conta de todos. Um sorrizinho constante fica estampado no rosto de cada pessoa que passa por você, como um reconhecimento, uma felicitação por termos juntos, todos, sobrevivido a mais um Inverno!

É a constatação primordial, intuitiva e genética, do saber-se do Sol que viria apesar dos meses longos e cinza. Nesse momento, uma empatia generalizada une todos os habitantes na certeza de que nada será tão difícil como o foi no Inverno, que daqui para frente tudo parecerá melhor!

E o Sol brilha... e brilha... mas não tão forte ainda que faça o gelo do inverno derreter por completo de dentro do meu coração... vou precisar ainda de alguns meses ou só o de Janeiro. O do Rio!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Reflections on Success

Today I told one of the students at The Commedia School, about how to start something... a scene, a text, a movie: just start!

The hardest step, the one and only which hides behind all unrealized dreams as much as all greatest achievements: The First!

It is easier, and in the long run much more painful, not to take any step. It is easier to blame the conjunction of factors that conspired against the development of an idea than to confront a possible failure. Because, yes, every concrete step carries with it the possibility of a fall.

It is easier to spend a lifetime "knowing deep within" we could, than acknowledging that in fact we could not!

There is a certain joy within the pain of failing: The Joy of knowing you still have time to re-initiate, re-write, re-invent, recycle, whatever project you had that didn't work out.

It didn't "work out" because you were not good enough or because the project was not well shaped enough or or or... whatever reason behind the failure, it tells us something that is more concrete than all encouraging words we might have heard from our mothers (in case you were lucky enough to have had a mother who actually bothered trying to make you believe that YES, YOU CAN).

The failure is a reality check! There are no doubts, no margin to interpretations... Just like a joke that doesn't bring out laughter, It simply doesn't work! Or, doomsday, you didn't make it work!

Are you capable of moving on from a failure? I mean: You can spend the rest of your life expecting time to turn back and the words out of somebodies mouth change from a No to a YES... but believe me, no matter how much Hollywood tries, it won't really happen!

But, all is not lost... if you are sure "this" is what you really want, you can develop a strong sense of perseverance, knowing that, if this is important enough for you, you will keep on trying until you get it the way you want it (this option is a bit tricky though if you are not ready to access the real reasons why you failed. In not doing so you risk committing the same mistakes over and over again, going on a loop of doings that simply reinforces the mistakes you keep on committing over and over again. Ouch! This can be so painful and truly lead one towards a lifetime of bitterness and feelings of terrible unworthiness).

On the other hand, if you believe enough in your own cause and is willing to learn from your mistakes, the only way is UP! I mean, the more you go wrong on something, as long as you are willing to learn from it, the more you will learn! Simple math! And the more you learn, the better you will become and, sooner or later you will be on the top of your game.

A great friend/mentor of mine, George Furth, once told me: You've got to have talent to be talented.

This is so wise... Throughout my trajectory in life I have met such truly talented people who never really knew how to administer their talent and ended up failing along the way, most times just by committing the sin of believing that "being talented is enough".
 On the other hand, I have met people who was not half as talented as some but "wanted it" so much that nothing would distract them from their goal.

Bob Fosse (interpreted by the talented Roy Scheider) , in a brilliant scene from "All that Jazz", brutally honest, says to one of his dancers: "I can't turn you into a great dancer... but I can help you become a better dancer".

I don't know how far this above mentioned dancer went but I would like to think she reached further than others who happened to be more talented than her.

One thing though is important, at least for me: To know what success means to you. This is also a tricky point. What which one of us needs to conquer, overcome, transform, in order to feel successful, is as personal as our own DNA.

Although there are some pretty general notions of what "success" is, such as wealth acquisition,  social positions, etc... to be successful  is also about conquering our fears, overcoming our personal phobias and becoming "a better me".

 We do see a lot of people who have reached all imaginable "successful cliché" available but  still look miserable, walking around with a sour face.

To me, this is a sign they have aimed a twisted goal, one that was not the "real issue", one that won't make them feel successful, no matter how much the world around tell them they are.

While I write, I think of Jack Donaghy, the super-successful boss interpreted by Alec Baldwin in the FUNNY series 30 ROCK, created by the  super-talented Tina Fey. There is one scene, where he brings a college student to visit a professor and, at the end of their visit, the estimated professor gives a badge to the student. It just so happens to be a badge Jack always wanted to have but never achieved and it totally throws him out of balance, making him feel unworthy and a loser (since he gave up his passion for Marine Biology studies, in order to pursue a "successful carreer" is Business Administration).

It is wonderful to achieve material success, professional recognition and acclamation. It is Priceless to achieve it as the result of your dedication to your values, dreams and true calling.

Or as a Chinese proverb says:

"those who conquer their enemies are strong,
those who conquer themselves are invincible"

Saturday 5 November 2011

CSDC - Center for Self-Development and Creativity

This is the program I offer to a reduced number of participants who are aware of the great potential they possess inside but do not know how to unleash the power!

Creativity expresses itself in whatever we do, once we allow it to! Cooking, performing, writing, cleaning the house, no matter what we do we can either do it in a creative way or in a bureaucratic/mechanical way.

Reprograming our brains, training our bodies, creating the space for a new flow of energy, of seeing ourselves and the world around is what we do together during the CSDC Workshops.

Once again, as it has become a trade mark on my Workshops, I utilize techniques from sources that vary from Theater, Dance, Physics, Yoga, Brain Gym, and combine it with videos from leading experts in the latest research on the brain, General health and Creativity.

The Workshops happens once a week and each module lasts for 4 weeks. We meet at my private space in the center of Copenhagen, 5 minutes walk away from Nyhavn and Kongens Nytorv Subway station.
If you want to know when the next module starts please contact me at: 31568611

Here goes a testimony from one of the Participants, Noreen O'Sullivan Krogsgaard, American Author living in Denmark, responsible for the successful series: "I'll tell why..."

The classes I took with you changed the way I live my life, sounds heavy but it is true. I learned so much about the way we project ourselves in this life, and how that can relate to my kids,friends and family. I am a stronger person because of you, thank you... and don't EVEN get me started on what I learned about right vs. left brain dominated personalities !!!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

My work with NOVO NORDISK

One of my Workshops at Novo Nordisk

This is a little article about one of my workshops... I feel proud about these workshops I create, translating certain thoughts and concepts into living and dynamic experiences. Taking business people out of their desks, making them dance (without even noticing they are dancing), moving and REALLY throwing a bomb into their comfort zones... and... they love it! The workshops are planned in such way that dynamic exercises are metaphors for specific subjects the group is dealing with. I have been asked to create custom made workshops for teams that were having difficulties with their boss, or talk about "Engaging in projects", "Team building", etc... this specific article is about a workshop I created to help people understand the rhythm, tempo and ways of different cultures...

How do we respond to globalisation
Globalisation. The term itself sounds like something very modern and academic....
But is it really? A recent LearnShop arranged by the Global Quality Identity Programme, dealt with globalisation and how we respond to it in a - to many of the participants - entirely new and unorthodox way.
The facilitator, Brazilian actor Marcello Bosschar, took the learnshoppers on a trail around the globe. Exploring cultural traits from Brazil to India, from China to Denmark. Inviting them to take a step out of their comfort zones and into a world of exploration of cultural boundaries, assumptions and group distinctiveness.
'The key challenge', said Marcello Bosschar, is using only the right side of your brains in order to explore feelings, imagination and risk taking".
"Our goal will be to understand how different we all are and how differently we perceive the world around us", continued Marcello. "The way we perceive even the most basic things around us such as colours, words and social codes can take unexpected turns depending on the context".
And so they did on this morning in the fitness gym in the basement at Nybrovej. 24 people from Global Quality took part in the LearnShop and were in for a real challenge on working only with their bodies and the right side of their brains.
And so through theatre games and exercises, the globalisation LearnShop offered a brief moment where the learnshoppers got a glimpse of how the external influences such as the use of space, language and culture can either work in our favour or against us.
No doubt, the learnshoppers left this morning session with a whole bunch of new reflections about globalisation.
The Global Quality LearnShops have been developed as part of the GQ Identity Programme as a means to share knowledge and experiences as well as to strengthen the common Global Quality Identity.


I developed this unique program while I worked at Sunrise International Pre-School in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is based on my years as a Theater professional, searching for a more dynamic way for teaching Drama for children. After years of improvisations with a group of 3 to 6 Year olds, I realized that I had created a method. A method that little by little prepared the children to be able to stand up and tell their own story. A story they have created themselves.
This method that I named "The art of expression" is a mix of Theater exercises with yoga/meditation and dance. After 25 Years of professional experience on these fields, I finally realized I could take it all beyond the stage and utilize it in a much broader way, helping the children to strengthen their self-steem, find joy in expressing themselves and making it crystal clear while activating mind, body and soul!
Soon this method was helping children in their literacy progress and in all department of their growing process with amazing feedback both from parents and colleagues alike.

Now I offer this program to different International Schools in Denmark and just wrote a book, in Portuguese, that exercises the multiple intelligences within the children through a fun and moving story.

Thursday 26 May 2011

A trança toda vermelha!

Bastava ela semi-cerrar os olhos quando o balanço voltava de seu vai e vêm, e a sua longa trança cobrisse por alguns segundos a sua visão, para que ela visse o mundo em vermelho.

Ela era ruivinha, ruivinha.

Era como se alguém pegasse um pincel melado do vermelho mais rubro e fizesse um risco no azul do céu.

O balanço era uma máquina de fazer vento. E de fazer frio na barriga também!

MAIS ALTO, MAIS ALTO! Esse era o seu mantra silencioso!

Por alguns segundos mais pertinho do céu.

E de novo a terra,
e logo céu novamente,
e terra.

O legal da Terra era o impulso que ela dava para o céu.


Terra, céu, raio de fogo com frio na barriga, Terra e céu novamente e assim por diante.

Ah, e risos! Ela sentia o seu corpo sorrir. Seus braços sorriam, suas pernas e coração também.

E Poder! O movimento das pernas, o gingado do corpo fazia com que a intensidade do vôo fosse controlada.

De vez em quando ela não sentia nada e aí então sorria.

Era muito bom!

E se...

O Azul se mostrava cada vêz mais atraente. A terra começava a se fazer inoportuna.

E se...

No próximo azul, pensou ela com seu estômago repleto de borboletas, no próximo azul eu vou.

No próximo azul, eu vôo!

E assim foi.

Céu, raio de fogo com frio na barriga, terra, céu azul e... as mãos soltaram a máquina.

 Tal qual Ícaro ela vôou.

Sem consciência, em riso,  por alguns segundos chegou um pouquinho mais perto do céu.


Logo a Terra a clamou. Assim como a mãe que percebe um filho que se distancia além de um limite seguro.

A terra a chamou.



As suas lágrimas molharam a Terra.


Não se sabe de onde pois ele vinha de tantas partes.


As borboletas fugiram assustadas de seu estômago no exato momento em que ela abriu a sua boca e gritou por sua mãe.

Só céu é morte. Só terra também. O encanto e a alquimia estão na mistura balanceada dos elementos. A sopa primordial, a receita da vida.

Ela cresceu, virou física e hoje leva a sua filha para o mesmo parque onde a química da vida se revelou para ela.

Pintou os cabelos de castanho e, silenciosamente agradece pelo fato de sua filha não ser ruiva.

Monday 21 March 2011

Um curto-conto!

Um dia, uma velha numa casa.
Sem luz, sem velas, sem vida.
Com medo, com fome, confusa,
pensou em morrer.

Tudo parecia um sonho...

Na parede da casa existia um espelho.
No espelho, de vez em quando, existia a velha.
Na velha não existia nada, nunca.
Ou melhor: houve uma época em que algo havia existido.
Ou pior: houve uma época em que algo havia existido.

Que cafona!
Que triste!
Que patético.
Que nada...

Ela não conseguia decidir o quê!
E pensava em morrer.
Se ao menos conseguisse achar achar a chave.
Não da gaveta, mas da coragem.
A chave perdida da gaveta onde estava trancado o revólver era apenas uma desculpa para a falta de coragem.

E além do quê, "o qual é a música" havia voltado ao programa do Sílvio aos Domingos e isso era quase motivação o suficiente para que ela não pensasse em morrer.
Mas nada era perfeito...
O Sílvio Caldas, mesmo que voltasse a ser campeão por consecutivas 26 vezes, jamais seria o mesmo.
E o Aguinaldo Rayol?
E o Nelson Ned? Imagine... confessou num programa da TV Evangélica que era viciado em sexo! O Nelson Ned!!! E usava drogas... o Nelson Ned!!! E transava com 3 ou 4 mulheres ao mesmo tempo... O NELSON NED!!!!
Quem diria, Meu Deus, o Nelson Ned!!!
Tão... tão... baixinho... o Nelson Ned!
E o chacrinha? Por que não mostram mais o programa dele?
Era tão... tão...
Ah, é! O Chacrinha morreu!!!
Mas a Elke Maravilha não. Ela é tão... tão...
Mas e a Wilza Carla? E o Décio Pitinini e o Pedro de Lara???
Eles eram tão... tão...
E assim ela passava o dia,
Procurando adjetivos para classificar os fantasmas mortos e vivos de seu passado tão presente.
Na verdade, quando ela não achava os adjetivos era quando se sentia melhor.
Dava um vaziiiiioooooo... um vaziiiiiiooooooo
Um vazio tão gostosoooooo...

Estes eram os únicos momentos em sua vida não preenchidos pelas imagens de Pepe, o dublador e a sua companheira Virgínia, com a cara toda melecada de purpurina...
Ou da voz do chacrinha jogando o bacalhau da maria Bethania em cima do auditório,
ou a musiquinha do APRACU...

Tudo era tão...